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Control Groups

Control Groups in @grainular/nord-forms allow for managing a collection of related controls as a single entity. This enables complex forms to be broken down into more manageable and logical segments, enhancing form functionality and user interaction.

Creating a Control Group

A Control Group is created using the createControlGroup function. This function constructs a ControlGroup instance that encapsulates a specified set of controls.

Type: createControlGroup<Controls extends GroupControls>(controls: Controls, validators?: Validator<any>[]): ControlGroup<Controls>


  • Controls: The schema of controls within the group.
  • controls: An object containing the controls to be included in the group.
  • [validators]: An optional array of Validator<any>[] to apply to the control group.

Using a Control Group

import { createControl, createControlGroup } from '@grainular/nord-forms';

// Create a control group with a name control and a age control
const form = createControlGroup({
    username: createControl<string>({
        value: null,
    email: createControl<string>({
        value: null,

// Create a submit handler
const onSubmit = () => {
    if (form.isValid) {

return html`<form ${form.handle({ onSubmit })}>
    <!-- Add both inputs to the form -->
        <input ${form.username.control} type="text" />
        <input ${} type="text" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example, a control group is created with two controls: username and email. The group's validity and individual control values can be accessed and manipulated, providing a powerful and flexible way to manage form state.

Control Group API


Type: string
The unique identifier of the ControlGroup. This ID is set during the creation of the ControlGroup and can be used to uniquely identify it.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<ControlValues<Controls>>
A reactive grain representing the values of all controls within the ControlGroup. Changes in the values of controls are reflected in this grain.


Type: ControlValues<Controls>
The current raw values of all controls within the ControlGroup.


Type: ControlGroup<any> | undefined
The parent ControlGroup of the ControlGroup, if nested within another ControlGroup.


Type: string | undefined
The control name associated with the ControlGroup, if used within a ControlGroup.


Type: (values: Partial<ControlValues<Controls>>) => void
A method to set the values of controls within the ControlGroup. You can provide partial values to update specific controls.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>
Indicates whether any of the controls within the ControlGroup have been touched (interacted with by the user). Can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: boolean
Indicates whether any of the controls within the ControlGroup are currently touched (interacted with by the user).


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>
Indicates whether any of the controls within the ControlGroup are focused (have user focus). Can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: boolean
Indicates whether any of the controls within the ControlGroup are currently focused.


Type: () => void
Resets all controls within the ControlGroup to their initial state, clearing errors and values.


Type: (formActions: FormActions) => Directive<Element>
A method to handle form actions for the ControlGroup, such as submitting or resetting the form. It returns a directive that defines how form actions should be handled.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>
Indicates whether all controls within the ControlGroup are valid (pass all validation checks). Can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: boolean
Indicates whether all controls within the ControlGroup are currently valid (pass all validation checks).


Type: Validator<any[]>[]
An array of validators associated with the ControlGroup as a whole.


Type: (...validator: Validator<any[]>) => void
Adds one or more validators to the ControlGroup.


Type: (validator: Validator<any[]>) => void
Removes a validator from the ControlGroup.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<ControlError>
An object containing errors associated with the ControlGroup. Can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.

Each property in the Control Group schema:
Each property of the Controls schema is also directly accessible on the ControlGroup instance, allowing for easy interaction with individual controls.

Released under the MIT License.