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Controls in @grainular/nord-forms are fundamental building blocks for managing form input elements. They provide a robust interface for state management, validation, and interaction with various HTML input elements.

Creating a Control

A Control is created using the createControl function. This function generates a Control instance that manages the state, validation, and behavior of an associated form input element.

type: createControl<Type extends ControlTypes>(init: ControlInit<Type>, validators?: Validator<Type | null>[]): Control<Type>


  • Type: The data type of the Control's value.
  • init: An object of type ControlInit<Type>, providing initial configuration.
  • [validators]: An optional array of Validator<Type | null> for applying validation rules.

Using the Control

import { createControl, createControlGroup } from '@grainular/nord-forms';

// Create a control within a ControlGroup
const form = createControlGroup({
    name: createControl<string>({
        value: null, // Set initial value

return html` <form>
    <!-- Connect the form input element to the control -->
    <input ${} type="text" />

In this example, the name field of the form is bound to a Control. Any changes in the input element are synchronized with the Control, and vice versa.


Nørd-Forms uses the type of the Control to infer the correct data type for the control and parses it accordingly.

Control API


Type: Directive<Element>

The control Directive of the Control. It is used to connect the control to a HTMLInputElement, creating a two-way binding between the input element and the control.


Type: string

The unique identifier of the Control. This ID is set during control creation and is used to uniquely identify the control.


Type: ControlGroup<any> | undefined

The ControlGroup to which the Control belongs, if it is used within one. This property links the control to its parent group, enabling group-level operations and state management.


Type: string | undefined

The propertyName of the Control when used inside a ControlGroup. It represents the name of the control within the group context.


Type: string | undefined

The name attribute of the Control, which is set on the HTMLInputElement. It corresponds to the HTML attribute name of the input element.


Type: string | undefined

The type attribute of the Control, which is set on the HTMLInputElement. It reflects the HTML attribute type of the input element.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<Type | null>

The value of the Control, accessible as a ReadonlyGrain<Type | null>. This allows for tracking changes in the control's value via the subscribe method.


Type: Type | null

The raw value of the Control at the current moment. This provides direct access to the control's current value without the need for subscription.


Type: (value: Type | null) => void

A method to set the value of the Control. It allows for programmatic updates of the control's value.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>

Indicates whether the Control has been touched (interacted with by the user). Changes can be observed via the subscribe method.


Type: boolean

Indicates whether the Control is currently touched (interacted with by the user).


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>

Indicates whether the Control is disabled. The status can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: boolean

Indicates whether the Control is currently disabled.


Type: () => void

A method to disable the Control.


Type: () => void

A method to enable the Control.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>

Indicates whether the Control is focused (has user focus). The status can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: boolean

Indicates whether the Control is currently focused.


Type: (handler: (event: FocusEvent) => void) => void

Registers a callback function to be executed when the Control gains focus.


Type: (handler: (event: FocusEvent) => void) => void

Registers a callback function to be executed when the Control loses focus.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<boolean>

Indicates whether the Control is valid (passes all validation checks). Changes can be observed via the subscribe method.


Type: boolean

Indicates whether the Control is currently valid (passes all validation checks).


Type: Validator<Type>[]

An array of validators associated with the Control.


Type: (...validator: Validator<Type>[]) => void

Adds one or more validators to the Control.


Type: (validator: Validator<Type>) => void

Removes a validator from the Control.


Type: ReadonlyGrain<ControlError>

An object containing errors associated with the Control. The status can be observed for changes using the subscribe method.


Type: () => void

Resets the Control to its initial state, clearing errors and values.


Type: HTMLInputElement | null

The native HTMLInputElement associated with the Control.

Released under the MIT License.