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The get function is a special form of the derived function, mostly used inside of templates to reactively extract a property from a object Grain.

Type: get<T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, P extends keyof T>(grain: ReadonlyGrain<T>, property: P): ReadonlyGrain<T[P]>

Using the get Function

Whenever you deal with object Grains, you need to derive the values of the contained properties somehow. The get function makes it easy to do so declarative without using a derived Grain:

import { createComponent, grain, get } from '@grainular/nord';

type User = { name: string; age: number };

export const App = createComponent((html) => {
    const user = grain<User>({ name: 'Nørd', age: 0 });

    return html`<div>Name: ${get(user, 'name')}, Age: ${get(user, 'age')}</div>`;

This way, whenever the value of user changes, the properties inside the template are correctly updated.

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