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The derived function is used to derive a value from a Grain reactively using a transform function, meaning whenever the source Grain is updated, the derived Grain will also be updated.

Type: derive<T, R = T>(value: ReadonlyGrain<V>, run: (value: T) => R): ReadonlyGrain<R>

Creating a derived Grain

To create a derived Grain, use the derive function.

import { grain, derive } from '@grainular/nord';

const count = grain(0);
const doubled = derive(count, (value) => value * 2);
// Returns a `ReadonlyGrain<number>`;

Whenever count is updated, doubled will be updated too.

import { grain, derived } from '@grainular/nord';

const count = grain(0);
const doubled = derived(count, (value) => value * 2);

console.log(count(), doubled()); // logs 0, 0;
console.log(count(), doubled()); // logs 1, 2;

Subscribing to a derived Grain

As the derived function creates a ReadonlyGrain, subscriptions are created as usual. Internal subscriptions are managed automatically by the derived function, meaning that when no Subscribers are registered on the derived Grain, no updates will be received.

const count = grain(0);
const doubled = derive(count, (value) => value * 2);
const unsubscribe = doubled.subscribe((val) => console.log({ val })); // Logs { val: 0 }

count.set(1); // Logs { val: 2 }
count.set(2); // Logs { val: 4 };

count.set(3); // Nothing is logged

Released under the MIT License.