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The when directive is used to conditionally render content into a template. As templates are evaluated only once, it is not possible to reactively use pure javascript conditionals to render content depending on conditional values. The when directive solves this issue.

Type: when<T>(value: T | ReadonlyGrain<T>, [evaluate]: (value: T) => boolean): then: (thenNodes: NodeList) => Directive<Text> & { else(elseNodes: NodeList): Directive<Text> } };


when is a pure Text directive.

Using when

The when directive allows you to conditionally render content based on the provided value or grain, making dynamic rendering in your templates a breeze. To use the when directive, follow these steps:

  • Include the when directive inside your template.

  • Pass a value (either reactive or static) to the when directive. Optionally, you can also provide a function to evaluate the value and coerce it into a boolean.

  • Use the .then property to provide a callback that returns the desired NodeList when the condition is met.

  • If desired, use the .else property to provide an alternative template to render when the condition is not met.

Here's an example of how to use the when directive in a component template:

import { grain, when, createComponent } from '@grainular/nord';

const component = createComponent((html) => {
    const isLoggedIn = grain(false);

    return html`<div>
            .then(html`<div>Logged In!</div>`)
            .else(html`<div>Logged Out!</div>`)}

Depending on the state of the isLoggedIn grain, either the "Logged In!" or "Logged Out!" template will be displayed. The when directive takes care of creating and destroying the templates as needed, ensuring a seamless user experience.

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